Gregory Barone

The Five Legacy Avatars: The Non-Conformist | Excerpt From Investing Legacy: How the .001% Invest

The perfect poster child for a Non-Conformist: Bill Gates.

Subscribe and see why.

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Each purchase of Investing Legacy comes with a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately along with all digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation, and now, The Complete Full Book Video Series. The first of its kind.

All the author’s other books are available on in all versions, including a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately, and digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation.

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The Five Legacy Avatars: The Mogul | Excerpt From Investing Legacy: How the .001% Invest

Here’s a guy who likes to wear his risk profile on his wrist. Most wealth creators you know fit the profile of a Mogul.

Have you ever seen anything similar? Subscribe and tell us in the comments!

Does this sound like you? You can purchase your copy of Investing Legacy: How the 001% Invest by clicking here: and start putting the pieces together for your Impact Statement.

Each purchase of Investing Legacy comes with a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately along with all digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation, and now, The Complete Full Book Video Series. The first of its kind.

All the author’s other books are available on in all versions, including a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately, and digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation.

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The Five Legacy Avatars: The Provider | Excerpt From Investing Legacy: How the .001% Invest

Do you know someone who loves to wear Dockers khaki’s, has the spontaneity of an accountant, and doesn’t like anything splashy or risky?

Subscribe and tell us their name. Because that’s a Provider.

Does this sound like you? You can purchase your copy of Investing Legacy: How the 001% Invest by clicking here: and start putting the pieces together for your Impact Statement.

Each purchase of Investing Legacy comes with a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately along with all digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation, and now, The Complete Full Book Video Series. The first of its kind.

All the author’s other books are available on in all versions, including a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately, and digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation.

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Introduction: The Five Legacy Avatars | Excerpt From Investing Legacy: How the .001% Invest

Time to get personal. Which one are you? Let’s find out: There’s the Mogul, the Non-Conformist, the Curator, the Provider, and the of course, the Documentarian.

Subscribe to find out who the other characters are!

You can buy your copy of Investing Legacy: How the 001% Invest here:

Each purchase of Investing Legacy comes with a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately along with all digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation, and now, The Complete Full Book Video Series. The first of its kind.

All the author’s other books are available on in all versions, including a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately, and digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation.

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Where The Title of This Book Came From | Excerpt From Investing Legacy: How the .001% Invest

During a candid conversation in NYC one afternoon with a legacy – who was preparing to swerve outside of his lane.

Discover what else happened next by becoming a part of this movement by getting your copy of Investing Legacy: How the 001% Invest by clicking here:

Each purchase of Investing Legacy comes with a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately along with all digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation, and now, The Complete Full Book Video Series. The first of its kind.

All the author’s other books are available on in all versions, including a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately, and digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation.

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How To Structure Your Impact Statement | Excerpt From Investing Legacy: How the .001% Invest

It’s not difficult at all. Here’s a few ideas to get you started.

While you’re listening, be sure to subscribe to see some other ideas like these.

You’re also invited to join this movement with us! Come along and see what else happens here!

You can buy your copy of Investing Legacy: How the 001% Invest here:

Each purchase of Investing Legacy comes with a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately along with all digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation, and now, The Complete Full Book Video Series. The first of its kind.

All the author’s other books are available on in all versions, including a paperback copy that is shipped to you immediately, and digital versions, including Audible, MP3s, the eBook adaptation.

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Kindle Unlimited members can click here to receive these titles at no cost for being a member. Click here to get them all:

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